Used by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Page 17
“You should have seen the little bastard sweat,” Ivan Dedov told his friend Samantha. “I’ve never enjoyed a quarterly meeting so much in my life!”
Samantha Bristo didn’t seem to share Ivan’s appreciation for the humiliation of Ivan’s long-time rival. “You know you waste a crazy amount of time obsessing over Sergei Volkov, right?” Samantha picked up a French fry and dragged it through the ketchup on her plate. “I agreed to come have dinner with you because I thought you would have a new lead for me on one of the mafia bosses, not because I wanted to hear a play by play of your continued campaign to put Sergei out of business.”
“I have a lead for you,” Ivan promised her. “But the same rules apply. I will give you leads on the low-level activity. A brothel here, a gambling house here, and other things to help you keep the streets from becoming too much of a cesspool.”
“So basically I’m cutting a ten-acre lawn with scissors. Lovely,” Samantha grumbled. “Why won’t you help me take down one of the bosses?”
“Because that would make it obvious that someone was tipping off the Feds.” Ivan knew Samantha was chomping at the bit to go after a really big target, but he didn’t intend to give her one. Not really. “How about if I give you Sergei Volkov?”
“Of Volkov Real Estate?” Samantha looked dubious. “That real-estate corporation makes millions every year, pays its taxes, and has zero need for illegal activities. Why would I even bother?”
“Because Ivan is up to his ears in the drug trade,” Ivan told her. “Don’t you want to take down a made man?”
“Ivan Volkov is a made man?” Samantha leaned forward, her blue eyes bright with interest. “I didn’t realize he was that high up.”
“Oh yeah. He’s a hereditary member of the mafia. His papa was a made man before he was given that rank.”
Samantha pulled out her notebook. “Tell me what you know.”
“Not yet.” Ivan leaned back in his chair. His food was half finished on the table in front of him, but he wasn’t really hungry anymore. “I’m working on a plan to pay Ivan back for humiliating me a few years ago.”
Samantha rolled her eyes and slammed her notebook closed. “Are we back to that again? Yes. You were in love with Emily Volkov. Then her big bad brother decided you were a loser and put you out on your ass.”
“It’s an insult I can’t let slide,” Ivan blustered.
Samantha rolled her eyes. “No. You just refuse to admit that you still carry a torch for that woman.”
“No. I don’t.” Ivan was adamant. “In fact, she’s part of my plan to take down her brother.”
“Oh?” Samantha snorted. “Do tell, Casanova.”
“You know, sometimes I think I should have just let those bullies have you back in the third grade,” he grumbled.
“You wouldn’t have done that,” Samantha told him. “You’re too much of a soft-hearted good guy even though you pretend to be a badass.”
“You have no idea what I’m capable of,” he told her grimly. “And neither does Emily Volkov.”
“So your plan is to what?” Samantha prodded. “Do some eighties romance routine and steal her back?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Ivan wrapped his arrogance around him like armor. “I’m going to offer her a choice. Either she comes and works for me, or I’ll put her brother out of business.”
“Can you even do that?” Samantha wanted to know. “This all seems really pointless. Just give me the info and I can take him down.”
“But I want him to know that I’m with his sister. I want him to know that the man he didn’t think was good enough for her, is the one who enticed her away from him.” In fact, Ivan had never wanted anything so badly. “And when she falls in love with me, because she will, I’m going to turn my back on her and take her brother down anyway. I’ll dismantle his businesses, buy him out, and sell his company off in tiny pieces. Then I’ll watch him cry because I turned his sister into a whore and made him the laughingstock of the mafia.”
“That’s demented,” Samantha mused. “But I certainly give you points for creativity and villainous style. And I still don’t see how any of this helps me.”
“To hurt Sergei Volkov’s businesses, his dealers have to start getting picked up and his product has to be seized.”
“Ah,” Samantha said agreeably. “That is what I want to hear more about.”
“Well,” Ivan told her, “this is how we’re going to start.”
Chapter Two
Emily tried not to be too annoyed when her assistant knocked on the door between them at ten o’clock the following morning. It wasn’t Carrie’s fault that Emily was consumed with the task of hiding the huge chunk of change her brother had funneled from one side of their business to the other. It wasn’t like she was going to get any help, either. Sergei hadn’t even shown up to work yet. Although some days she didn’t see her brother at all if he was consumed with the problems that seemed to plague the illegal half of his activities.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt,” Carrie said apologetically. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder and then stepped the rest of the way inside Emily’s office and shut the door. “Ivan Dedov is here.”
“What?” Emily blinked, feeling a wave of shock wash over her. “Ivan is here. Now?”
“Yes. I thought you would want to know,” Carrie offered. “I know…well I know the two of you were close when he worked for us several years ago.”
“Something like that,” Emily murmured. “Give me a few minutes and then send him in.”
“Wait!” Emily held up a hand. “Did he say what he wanted?”
Carrie shrugged. “He just said he has a proposition for you.”
“A proposition,” Emily repeated. “Why on earth would he have a proposition for me?”
“I couldn’t say, but I’m sure he’ll explain.” Carrie pursed her lips. “I’ll wait five minutes and then send him in.”
“Yes. Thank you.”
Emily couldn’t help it. She jumped up from her desk and tried to straighten her pantsuit. Now she was wishing that she’d worn something other than her usual black attire, except she really didn’t have anything else. She patted her hair. Should she take it down? Ivan had always loved her hair. But she didn’t want to seem as though she were trying too hard. That would be a disaster, and Ivan had always been so handsome with almost no effort at all. He was just blessed like that.
The lucky bastard.
Her mind spun in a thousand different directions, wondering what he could possibly want. Could he be here on business for the organization? But why would he come to her and not to Sergei? So many questions!
There was a knock on her door and Emily turned. She put her hand on her hip and then let it drop. She felt so awkward. It had been so long since she’d actually worried what someone of the opposite sex thought of her.
Carrie walked into the office, with Ivan following in her wake. “Ms. Volkov? Ivan Dedov is here to see you.”
“Yes, thank you, Carrie.”
Ivan strode in looking like a movie character come to life. He was over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His thighs were powerful, his legs looking more like a couple of tree trunks as he entered her office. His black hair was given to curl and his eyes were a brilliant shade of cobalt. With a few days stubble on his face, he looked rather rakish. Then he spoke and she remembered that it had always been that low, delicious voice that had drawn her in from the start.
“Hello, Emily.”
“Ivan.” She allowed herself to give him a bare hint of a smile. There was no use fawning all over him, especially when she didn’t know why he was here.
“I can hardly believe it’s been eight years,” Ivan mused in a friendly tone. “And yet here you are in the same office, likely doing the same job.”
Okay, she did not appreciate that little dig. Emily drew herself up and tried to remember that this man was her
brother’s rival, not her old flame. “What can I do for you, Ivan?”
“Funny you should phrase it like that,” he said with a smirk.
Emily crossed her arms. “Sergei was right.”
“You do have an arrogant smirk.”
The smile disappeared. “I would ask you how business is going, but I attended the quarterly meeting last night so I already know the answer.”
“Which is odd, because business has never been better.” Emily couldn’t help but be a little boastful. “Our profit margins are through the roof.”
“Yes, but your brother’s sales are dismal.” Ivan walked about her office, a smug expression on his face. “In fact, I don’t know if you realize how precarious his position with the organization is.”
“And I’m sure you’re just the person to tell me.” Emily could see where this was going. Well, sort of. She still didn’t understand what Ivan thought he was going to do about it.
“Look, Em.” He put his hands flat on her desk and leaned over until he was practically in her face. “I know Sergei has been padding his income.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Emily stepped back. She needed some space. He smelled too good and looked too good, and this was way too important not to keep her head firmly on straight. “Sergei’s business is just fine.”
“Emily, come on.” Ivan stood up and laughed. “I know this territory. It runs parallel to mine. There is no way it would have supported the kind of income he was claiming that he made during the last quarter.”
“Oh?” Emily was bluffing and she knew that Ivan could tell.
“Yes, Emily. Your brother is stealing from your legitimate businesses and pretending he’s selling more product.” Ivan looked as though he actually pitied them. It was humiliating. “I can perfectly well understand why he’d do it, but there is a point where even the bosses are going to grow suspicious.”
Emily decided to dispense with the crap. “So you’re proposing what, exactly?”
Ivan gazed at the proud tilt of Emily’s chin and tried to remind himself that he was over her. The only problem was that she was so damn pretty. Not only that, but Emily Volkov was the real deal. The woman was brilliant, had a great mind for business, and she was loyal to a fault. Which was why he was going to get what he wanted.
“Emily,” Ivan said as he took a stroll around her roomy office. “My business interests are getting large enough that I really need to hire an assistant to take care of the particulars of my day-to-day operations.”
“So hire one,” Emily told him. Her expression was utterly composed.
Ivan smiled, suddenly distracted by the memory of her long, blond hair falling around her shoulders. He remembered the way she would tilt her head when he kissed her. And then he forced himself to recall the moment she’d turned her back on him after her brother had declared Ivan to be beneath them.
“That’s the thing, Emily,” Ivan drawled. “Hiring some random individual won’t afford me the great pleasure of watching your brother choke on his disdain when he realizes that you’re not only working for me, but warming my bed.”
“Excuse me?” She put her hands on her hips. “Did you hit your head or something?”
“It’s pretty simple,” Ivan told her. “You come and work for me as my live-in personal assistant. You’re going to service all of my needs.” He raked her up and down, his gaze lingering on the curve of her hips and breasts. “Or I’m going to tell the organization what your brother has been doing.”
He saw the smooth column of her throat move as she swallowed. “You wouldn’t.”
“Watch me,” Ivan retorted. “That smug son of a bitch sent me packing because he didn’t think some upstart Russian orphan with no hereditary claims to the organization was good enough for his sister. Now I’m going to show him exactly what that upstart can do.” Ivan gave a careless shrug. “With the side benefit of forcing him to stop wasting the edges of my turf with his substandard business practices. Seriously, Em. Your brother doesn’t know shit about making it in the drug trade.”
There was a big part of Ivan that expected Emily to send him packing. She was a smart girl. Surely she wouldn’t just fall for his scheme without trying to find another way out for her idiot brother, Sergei.
“And if I agree to the portion of this scheme that includes my employment,” she began slowly, “why would I ever agree to sleep with you?”
Ivan closed the distance between them in two strides. He gazed down at her, noting the dilation of her pupils and her ragged breathing. “Emily,” he murmured. “You’re not going to agree. You’re going to beg me.”
She swallowed and he watched her try to get control of her breathing. “I wouldn’t.”
“You won’t be able to help yourself,” he whispered. Lowering his head, he let his cheek brush up against hers. “You’ve had a crush on me since the moment you first laid eyes on me. Admit it.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s still true,” she protested.
“Oh Emily.” Ivan felt his own body begin to respond and tamped it down forcefully. He was in control of his urges, unlike his prey. “How you lie to yourself, don’t you?”
She pulled away from him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Ivan scoffed, reaching out and grabbing her by the upper arms. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her as though he intended to take her breath away completely. She melted against him. He felt her lips part as she surrendered completely. Her little sigh of excitement thrilled him in a way that had never been equaled by any other lover.
He pulled back just enough to speak against her lips. “Your body remembers my touch, Emily. Secretly you crave me. I know you do.”
“That doesn’t mean I’ll give in,” she said weakly.
“Yes,” he predicted. “You will.”
“I haven’t even agreed to this stupid scheme.” She seemed to be attempting to put some mental distance between them, but he wasn’t having it.
“You will,” Ivan told her. “You’ll agree because you know that I’m right. You know that the organization will sanction your brother for the lies he’s been feeding them. You know their anger will be swift and severe. You know Sergei cannot handle that. And you will take care of him as you always do.”
“You’re a snake,” she whispered. “To know all of this and use it against me is despicable.”
Ivan backed off, giving her a careless shrug. He needed her to see him as completely unaffected by her charms. Deep down, he knew he might still be vulnerable to her, if only because he still found her so very beautiful. But he was beyond those days when he was ruled by that sort of passion. He was a man grown now. A man who knew what he wanted and how to wield the sort of power that would get him what he wanted.
“It’s your choice, really,” Ivan told Emily. “You can let Sergei pay the price of his own stupidity. Or you can do what you’ve always done and mitigate his punishment. Surely a few weeks or months with me is worth Sergei’s possible death.”
“Months?” she whispered. He saw her mulling it over in her mind, but he already knew her answer. “Fine. I’ll work for you. But I’m not promising a damn thing when it comes to warming your bed.”
“You’ll change your mind,” he told her. “Women always do.”
Chapter Three
“No!” Sergei shouted. “I absolutely forbid it.”
He was pacing energetically back and forth in front of Emily’s desk as she put her personal items in a box and prepared to leave her office for…well for a while. Emily glared at her brother. “You can’t forbid it, Sergei! Especially not when your idiotic decisions are the reason I have to go.”
“Excuse me?” He looked affronted. “That is such crap!”
“No!” Emily put a framed photograph of her and their parents in the box. “Actually what is crap is the fact that you took legitimate, legal income and laundered it backwards. Backw
ards, Sergei! You wanted so badly to look like a mafia badass that you fucked us over to make that happen! If you had just been honest with the organization, we wouldn’t be in this predicament.”
“That’s not true,” he argued.
Emily continued sarcastically, “How awful that we might have to make millions of dollars every single year in a legitimate way that leaves us with plenty to pay our portion to the organization and still maintain our own lifestyles! Yes. That’s just awful!”
“It’s not what Papa would have wanted!” Sergei argued. “He would have wanted us to carry on in the same way our family has been going since we emigrated from Moscow!”
“Seriously?” Emily shook her head and muttered something uncomplimentary in Russian. “Because I feel like that’s not at all accurate. Papa would have been proud of how big the umbrella corporation has gotten. We still own the housing industry in the city, Sergei. Think about it. How many contracting jobs get done without a cut going to the organization? Almost none! How is that not enough for you?”
“Enough for me?” Sergei pointed at Emily. “Tell me this isn’t because you’ve still got a damn crush on that jackass. Tell me you’re not going to wind up throwing yourself at his feet and begging for his forgiveness for some bullshit past wrong.”
“I’m not!” she protested, but even Emily could hear the note of uncertainty in her voice. “It’s not that simple anymore, Sergei. He doesn’t want me like that. He wants to punish me, I think. And you.”
“Well it’s working,” Sergei said bitterly. “The humiliation of having my sister as some sort of personal assistant slash concubine to that bastard orphan is something I never thought I would have to endure.”
“Oh because this is all about you,” Emily snarled. “How silly of me to forget that everything that happens is about you. I mean, this is for you. So why wouldn’t you think that you’re the center of the universe?”