Russian Mobster's Forbidden Mistress Read online

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  Josef grunted, trying not to collapse. He didn’t want to crush Dani beneath him if he completely lost the ability to stand on his legs. Pulling his cock free of her body, he swept her into his arms and carried her around to the front of the couch.

  His pants were still unbuttoned and she was only wearing her bra, but that didn’t seem to matter. He sank down onto the cushions and cradled her in his arms. They were both breathing heavily.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “I’m not sure I can even move.”

  “Me neither.” He gently brushed her hair away from her face. “I’ve made a complete mess of your outfit. Sorry.”

  “Good God, don’t be sorry for that!” She burst out laughing. “You can make a mess of me anytime if you’re going to do it like that.”

  Josef glanced at the clock. “It’s getting late. I should be getting you home.”

  “Why bother?” She yawned, burrowing in closer to him. “I’d have to figure out a way to climb that damn tree anyway. I’ll just stay here with you and go home in the morning.”

  “I somehow think your family would react badly to discovering your empty bed in the morning.” In fact, Josef hated to imagine just how badly that scenario would go.

  “Nah.” She waved her hand almost airily. “They barely notice me.”

  He wondered if she truly believed that. “They notice a lot more than you think.”

  “Have you been spying on me then?” She raised her head, resting her chin on his chest and staring up into his face. “Is that how you know they keep track?”

  “I just know.” He really didn’t want to get into it. “So let’s get you home before we both blow it.”

  Dani frowned. “You’re not blowing me off, are you?”

  “I should be.” He felt the truth of that statement even as he hated every word of it. “This should be a one-time thing.”

  “But I want to see you again,” she protested.

  “Then you will.” He considered the ramifications of this forbidden relationship. “We’ll just have to be careful.”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “Oh I’m very good at careful.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” He couldn’t even imagine what clandestine would mean to this bold-as-brass woman.

  Chapter Six

  Dani rolled over in her bed the following morning and stretched. She was pleasantly sore between her legs. The thought put a smile on her face. Somehow the idea that she had a delicious secret lover like Josef was a little bit like winning the relationship lottery. Not only was she getting a chance at a great guy, she was thumbing her nose at her brother’s idiocy too.

  Someone pounded on her bedroom door. “Hey! You better be decent, because you’ve got about three minutes before I come in,” Mikhail called through the door in Russian.

  Dani groaned irritably and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She got up and pulled on a wrap over her baby-pink chemise. Belting the robe firmly around her waist, she stomped over to her door. She flung it open and gave Mikhail her hottest glare. She really wanted him to see how pissed he was making her.

  “Nice. Really?” Mikhail looked at her with distaste. “Have you no modesty at all?”

  “In my world there are no guys in the house,” she reminded him cattily. “So maybe you’re just out of place. Now what do you want?”

  “You need to get dressed. Wear something nice. We have a meeting.” Mikhail’s terse Russian lent no meaning to the conversation.

  “Can you speak English? Seriously. We’re in America, not Russia.” She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “And why do I need to go to what sounds like a business meeting with you?”

  “You’re a part of this family, right?” At least he said it in English as she’d requested. “Since Papa is ill, you need to be aware of a few things.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with the family business,” she said derisively. “I don’t work with you now. I certainly don’t intend to change that once Papa passes away.”

  “Well you’re coming with me.”

  “Does Papa know?” There was something strange going on, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was.

  “Yes. It was his idea.”

  Then she really had no choice. Heaving a giant sigh, Dani shut the door in his face. “I’ll be down in thirty minutes.”

  * * *

  Josef was sure that the truth of what had happened between himself and Dani was written all over his face as he waited for Mikhail to finally decide to leave for the meeting with the Rusnaks. He had never felt guilt like this before. It was a crushing weight on his chest that threatened to steal his breath.

  “What is up with you this morning?” Mikhail asked, walking into the kitchen and poking Josef in the arm. “You’re always quiet, but this is ridiculous. You look like a stone statue.”

  “Did you have some other purpose for me this morning?” Josef made an attempt at levity. “Usually you just want me to stand around and look scary.”

  “Well you’re certainly doing that,” Mikhail grunted. “So tone it down a bit, eh? You’ll give Daniella heart palpitations and it was all I could do to get her ass moving this morning anyway.”

  Josef felt as though someone had poured ice-cold water down his back. “Daniella is coming with us this morning?”

  “Da.” Mikhail grabbed a cup of coffee from the carafe on the counter. “Why? Is that a problem?”

  “Of course not. I just didn’t know that she was aware of the meeting taking place.” Josef tried not to sound too skeptical or seem as though he were judging. Mikhail was funny about how he viewed his sister’s participation in family matters.

  “Let’s just say she doesn’t realize that she’s involved today,” Mikhail smirked as he sipped his coffee, “but I fully intend to go through with the little plan I outlined last night.” There was a brief pause, as if Mikhail had forgotten to add something. “Well, Papa’s plan anyway. The one that he came up with for Daniella to marry into the Rusnak family in order to secure an alliance.”

  Josef had to clench his hands at his sides, fighting the anger that was threatening to overcome him. He needed to be calm and in control. Josef cleared his throat, trying to recapture his stoicism. “I had no idea your father was truly contemplating that course of action,” Josef murmured in Russian.

  “Oh he is,” Mikhail said quickly. “I just spoke with him again this morning.”

  That didn’t ring quite true. Josef knew that none of the family had been in to see the elder Mikhail that morning. Josef and the day-shift nurse had discussed that fact already. Why would Mikhail lie?

  “There she is!” Mikhail lifted his coffee mug in a faux salute to Dani, who had just entered the kitchen.

  Josef held his breath. She was so incredibly beautiful this morning. He was having a hard time keeping control of himself. He wanted to go to her, take her in his arms, and kiss her until he had no breath left in his body.

  * * *

  If Josef didn’t stop staring at her, Dani was going to lose her mind and do something stupid like kiss him in front of Mikhail. She forced herself to focus on something mundane like coffee. Yes. Coffee was very important.

  “I need coffee before we leave,” Dani murmured.

  She pulled a mug from the cabinet and poured herself a cup of scorching hot java. Lifting it to her lips, she inhaled deeply of the rich smell. Her brother was just starting to look impatient on the other side of the kitchen. He was already done with his morning brew because he flung the mug carelessly into the sink.

  Mikhail sent her a pointed stare. “We’ve already waited long enough for you this morning, princess. Shall we?”

  “When I’m ready.” Dani turned her attention to Josef. She had to say something or it would become glaringly obvious that she was ignoring him. “So you’re getting dragged along to this business meeting too, hmm? You would think that after all this time Mikhail could do this stuff by himself, but
no. He needs an entourage and we’re on duty.”

  “You might want to try being respectful,” Mikhail told her irritably. “It’ll get you a lot farther.”

  “Where is it I’m trying to go? Am I supposed to be bribing you or something? You have no power over me at all. You’re my brother, not my father or my keeper.”

  “Things won’t always be that way.” Mikhail glanced at Josef. “I’ll be in the car.”

  Her brother’s abrupt exit left Dani and Josef alone in the kitchen together. Her hands tingled with excited anticipation. Would they be able to steal a kiss? Maybe they could sneak in a little more.

  “Did you miss me last night after you dropped me off?” she asked, giving him her best come-hither look.

  “Don’t be silly.” He quickly moved in close. “I have to tell you something.”

  Dani set her coffee down and cupped his face in her hands. She didn’t waste one single second. Pressing her lips to his, she kissed him with every bit of hunger she felt and more.

  His response made it obvious that she wasn’t alone in her desire. His arms automatically slipped around her waist and he hauled her against him as tightly as he could. He devoured her mouth, pushing his tongue between her lips and kissing her until she couldn’t think of anything but the feel of him.

  Then he suddenly broke away. “No.”

  “What do you mean, no?” she demanded. “Are we back to this again?”

  “No. I mean I have to tell you something. Now.” He held her at arm’s length, breathing heavily. “Your brother. This meeting. It isn’t what you think.”

  “Hey!” Mikhail’s voice cut through Josef’s hurried whispers. “Hurry the fuck up in there!”

  Josef exhaled a ragged sigh. “We’re on our way out the door!” he called back to Mikhail. Then he gave her a pointed look. “We have to go. Now.”

  * * *

  Every instinct in Dani’s body was on high alert as she followed Josef out to her brother’s big, black SUV. The dark tinted windows made the thing look like an FBI special.

  “Don’t you find it amusing that you and almost every FBI agent out there have the same vehicle?” Dani asked Mikhail as she buckled herself into the back seat. “I mean, you guys just have so much in common. I’m sure you could all be friends if they didn’t want to charge you with racketeering and a million other felonies.”

  “Shut your mouth,” Mikhail said, glancing into the rearview mirror and meeting her gaze. “Please?”

  “Since you said please,” she murmured. “And actually, why did you say please anyway?”

  “What? A brother cannot be polite to his baby sister?” Mikhail pulled the car away from the curb, with Josef riding shotgun.

  “No. And you never call me your baby sister either.” Her stomach knotted with tension. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re having a meeting with the Rusnaks. That’s what’s going on.” Mikhail steered the vehicle around the corner and headed toward a local restaurant that was a popular meeting site for people who don’t trust each other.

  A local family owned the place. They had so many ties to various mafia groups that they were almost genetically predisposed to be neutral. Mikhail parked on the curb out front and the three of them exited.

  “I’m glad we’re here, actually,” Dani said with forced nonchalance. “I’m starving and they have amazing breakfast.”

  “We’re not here for the food,” Mikhail grunted. “We’re here to make a deal.”

  Dani kept an eye on Josef. His expression was leaden. She didn’t understand what was going on, but the way he was acting told her that she needed to be on her toes. Josef entered first, as was fitting for an enforcer. Then Mikhail went, with Dani bringing up the rear.

  The first thing that always struck her about Mama’s restaurant was the delightful array of smells filling the air. Biscuits and gravy, spicy sausage, crepes, blini for the Russians, and even plain old pancakes and waffles were all on the menu. Dani was already scoping out the place for a table when she realized that there were three people standing at the opposite side of the restaurant, and they were all staring at Dani.

  “Mikhail,” Dani whispered. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Papa has decided that he wants you to marry one of the Rusnaks in order to cement an alliance between our families.” Mikhail’s tone was perfectly reasonable, even though he’d just handed her the biggest line of bullshit she could ever imagine.

  “Papa wants me to marry a Rusnak?” she said dubiously. “Which one?”

  “The guy in the middle.”

  “The one who looks like he’s fifty years old?” she managed to squeak.

  “No, the other one.”

  Dani almost turned around and walked out. This second alternative was not better than the first. The smarmy-looking man in the middle was wearing an honest-to-goodness leisure suit, a purple shirt open at the collar, and snakeskin half-zip boots. He was already leering at her as though he wanted to strip her naked right there in the restaurant. And if Dani wasn’t mistaken, Josef was about to rip the man’s head off.

  Chapter Seven

  Josef had never been so ready to punch someone into unconsciousness as he was at that very moment. The way Igor Rusnak was staring at Dani was completely unacceptable.

  Josef nudged Mikhail. “This is a bad idea.”

  “Why?” Mikhail barely spared his friend a sideways glance. He was too busy waving at the Rusnaks. “He will marry her, and we will eliminate this bullshit we have to go through every time one of our ships comes into port.”

  “Look at the way he stares at her,” Josef said fervently. “No respect. It is as if he does not respect you enough to have respect for your sister.”

  Mikhail snorted, finally turning and giving Josef his full attention. “When did you become such a woman? He’s a man staring at a pretty girl. How else would you have him look? Should he be repulsed by her?”

  Josef clamped his mouth shut. It was apparent that there would be no help from that quarter. There was no choice then but to deal with the situation as best he could and hope that no matter how it played out, he could find some way to do damage control.

  “Ah!” Mikhail said heartily. “It is so good to see you here, my friends! Let us sit down.”

  The Rusnaks waved them over. Josef tried to keep his expression pleasant, but he was failing if the facial expressions of the two Rusnak enforcers were anything to go by. They seemed tense. Both men were large with ruddy faces, broad shoulders, barrel chests, and were obviously packing weapons beneath their suit coats.

  “It’s good to see you, Mikhail. You know my younger brother, Ivan.” Igor Rusnak gestured to the slightly less smarmy version of himself to his left. Igor’s bushy black eyebrows seemed to have a life of their own. At the moment, they were bouncing up and down as he ogled Dani. “And could you introduce me to your lovely sister?”

  “Ah yes, of course!” Mikhail reached back and took Dani’s wrist. The fact that she didn’t resist suggested that she understood the precariousness of her situation. Mikhail dragged her forward. “This is Daniella.” Then Mikhail turned to Dani. “Daniella, this is Igor. Why don’t you take the seat next to his so the two of you can get to know one another?”

  Josef willed Dani to be cooperative. Whether it was the force of his desperation or her own savvy mind, she pasted a warm smile on her face. Holding out her hand, she allowed Igor to lean over her arm and give the back of her hand a kiss.

  “Igor, it’s so nice to meet a business associate of my brother’s,” Dani said, her tone cordial at best.

  Josef smothered a grin at the confusion on Igor’s face. It was obvious that the man was beginning to realize that Mikhail hadn’t been forthcoming about this whole marriage suggestion.

  Igor moved to pull out Dani’s seat, but Josef was already there. He seated her carefully and then took his own place on her other side. Mikhail’s gaze was shooti
ng daggers at him, but Josef didn’t care. This farce wasn’t right. And the right or wrong of the matter had nothing to do with Josef’s interest in Dani.

  “So let’s talk details,” Igor said eagerly. His gaze raked Dani as she made a point of studying the menu. “You suggested uniting our families by marriage. You sister would become my wife, and in return we give you certain privileges regarding your ships waiting in port.”

  Dani looked up from the menu. She made a very deliberate show of looking at every single person sitting at the table and making eye contact. “I’m sorry, did someone just suggest that I was getting married?”

  “Your brother said you were amicable to the idea, yes.” Igor placed his hands in front of him on the table as if he were trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. “Is this not true?”

  “I actually hadn’t thought about getting married.” Dani’s tone was that of any young woman who had been surprised by a suggestion. It didn’t quite match the fire in her eyes, but Josef was hopeful that the Rusnaks wouldn’t see that rebellion for what it really was.

  “Really?” Igor looked askance at Mikhail. “You never told me that your sister was not aware of this plan.”

  “My father has sanctioned it,” Mikhail said, as if that settled the matter.

  Dani pursed her lips. “Surely Papa doesn’t want me to quit school, Mikhail.” Then she beamed at Igor. “Perhaps after I finish with school I might consider marriage. I still have two years yet to finish my degree.”

  Josef nearly laughed out loud when he saw how absolutely bedazzled Igor was by Dani’s smile. Nobody could ever accuse her of not being able to turn on the charm when she wanted to.

  “You know, Mikhail,” Dani said conversationally, “I’m really not feeling well this morning. Nothing sounds good. I think I’d like to go home.”